Individual community membership

This option is for you if you’d like to be at the leading edge of play-based practice.

As a valuable community member, you will be able to tailor “live” events to suit your needs and interests and will have access to all of our “live” content and speakers. You will also have access to weekly provocations to deepen your play journey with colleagues across the world. Kym and Becky, PressPlay creators, will be on hand to feed back and guide your journey.

Young children playing in school

Who’s it for?

Practitioners who:

  • Want to be at the leading edge of play-based practice
  • Would like to co-create their learning journey in real-time by tailoring questions for “lives” and gaining access to the latest provocations and content
  • Are keen to drive their journey forwards with others across the globe
  • Are ready to invest time, focus and commitment into their play journey
  • Want to see tangible impact and change on a day-to-day basis

Key facts:

Access to all asynchronous content and benefits as well as:

  • 5 “live” events and inquiries with world leaders in play
  • “Live” feedback and coaching from Kym Scott and Becky Carlzon within the community
  • A progression journey, deeping play practice throughout the year, tailored by Becky and Kym

What do we get?

All of the benefits of the Entry Level Community:

Access to the wider community

Access to monthly interviews with leading play experts

Opportunity to connect and interact with schools across the globe following the same journey as you.


Instant access into a buzzing online community of international play-centred practitioners and schools

An opportunity to co-plan our learning journey based on your schools’ development plan and needs

An opportunity to tailor monthly interviews with leading play experts such as Julie Fisher, Kath Murdoch and Liz Pemberton

Weekly reflection posts, breaking down key points from “live” Q and A’s

Commentary, feedback and insight from Kym Scott and Becky Carlzon.

Some of our speakers

headshot of diminic wilcox

Dominic Wilcox

Playful Adults
headshot of alison

Dr Alison Buxton

leader of "Maker Futures"
STEAM and Play
headshot of trevor mckenzie

Trevor MacKenzie

Award-winning Inquiry Teacher and Author
Long-term Inquiry and Play
two head shots of ben and mara

Ben Mardell and Mara Krechevsky

Project Zero, Harvard University
Structures to Support and Deepen Play
Headshot of international speaker Anne van dam

Anne van Dam

Early Childhood Specialist
Documentation for Play

Join a seriously playful community today!