Change your entire school from our playground

What is the lifespan of a spark?

Inspiration fades out, it’s your community that keeps you going.

Getting international speakers to talk in a school is expensive and takes time and thought to organised.

Even if you can invite in speakers, once they leave, they take that spark of inspiration with them - And it can feel like your school is on pause until the next speaker comes along.

We’ve seen this happen time and time again. That is why we’ve found another way of running whole school professional development; an up-to-date way that keeps the momentum going, facilitates discussion and blows air into that spark, setting it alight rather than letting it fade out - An interactive, purposeful community that will empower you to “Press Play” in your school.

We're an interactive, purposeful community that will empower you to “Press Play” in your school.

Laser-sharp focus

We truly believe that all educators join our profession to make a difference. And school leaders step into leadership, away from the classrooms they love, with the goal and vision to expand their passion for learning and walk the journey of school improvement with their school communities.

Arrows pointing in different random directions
Arrows pointing in the same direction

Arrows illustration from Art Costa

What no-one tells you is that it can be lonely at the front. You can be left feeling exposed, despondent and wondering how to drive your vision forward. You can be left flying the flag of your vision with a few others flying it with you. This can be exhausting.

What if that flag could be flown by all? What if a group of enthused practitioners could lead the change you desire in your schools with you? And what if you could all have a whole lot of fun along the way co-creating with the world’s leading minds and other practitioners across the globe just like you?!

Press Play has been purposefully designed to:

Plastic lego brick icon in orange colour


Plastic lego brick icon in orange colour


Plastic lego brick icon in orange colour


Plastic lego brick icon in orange colour


Young boy celebrating with an air-fist-pump

With our co-created community content and co-created interviews with the world’s leading play thinkers, we will carve out a progressive, purposeful journey together, backed by science, research and learning from best practice across the globe. Together we will decide upon areas for focus, such as:

Threading the curriculum into play

Playful learning environments

The role of adults in play

Assessment and evidencing through play

Kids playing with toy cards on the floor with the drawing of a roundabout.

This is a continuous ever-growing journey.

By following our curated Learning Journeys and tapping into our "lives" and follow provocations, you will never be stuck for ideas, you will have a road-map to embed play and have a team of incredible minds to troubleshoot and support you and reflect with you when it doesn’t quite go to plan. Kym and Becky will always be at hand to support, guide and feedback on your journey. We are here to serve you.

Inspiration breeds inspiration; through sharing our ideas and solving problems together we will become self-assured in our practice and be at the leading edge of play-based learning.

By the end of a year in our learning community, your team will have had access to thinking from over 15 lead play thinkers, with short curated video provocations to so you can target your needs specifically. Just imagine where the learning culture in your school will be by then! We believe, in the best way ever, your school will be a different place.

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Whole Schools

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Asynchronous Content

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